Here they are out in the pasture feeding the cows. Even though it was cold, the landscape was beautiful...even for a farm!!
Here the girls and I are playing in Grandma Carol's backyard. Their first snow experience when we came to SD. They loved their Tinkerbell and Hannah Montana long underwear so much from Grandma that they wanted to go outside just wearing them!! Allie also wanted to wear a skirt to play in the snow. That is where the phrase came in...."mama knows best girls, Mommy grew up me, you'll want to wear your other layers" :)
I don't know who that schmuck is trying to throw a snowball at me?? Is it the abominable snowman? Did I tell you he missed?? Better luck next time!!
I am really not about myself in poses, but I love this old red grainery of my Dad's. I thought the red paint really set off my white jacket!! :)
Another one of my favorites!!
Gracie and Allie with Great Grandma and Grandpa Meyer.
Grandpa Steve with his girls!! You can't really tell, but they are sitting in the side of a snowbank.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. This Christmas was especially hard to quiet my heart and mind and really meditate on the reason for the season: Christ's birth. God has been gracious even in spite of my shortcomings and I have felt His presence and love. Christ is more precious to me than ever before and I look forward to this year and what He has in store for me and our family. I know all struggle, pain, joy, love and circumstances come from God and He allows everything to happen for a reason. I entrust my life in His hands and know whatever happens is in His perfect plan and is for my own good and for His glory. Everything good in me come from the Father Him be all the glory and honor.
1 comment:
Andrew and Elijah say, "I love the snow pictures! I wish snow could come to me someday! And I wish I could build a snow man, too! Bye". Great pics Cara. I like the way the red sets off your jacket as well~ It's unfortunate Micah wasn't there to give him a run for his money in throwing snowballs and sliding down hills:)
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